Ten major changes that affect international politics and international political economy in the contemporary world: the ten drivers of change are:
1. The end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet system.
2. The integration of the European Union.
3. Globalization – The growth of Global interaction and interdependence.
4. The rising influence of East – and South East Asia as globalization has increased economic opportunities.
5. Democratization – the rise of the participation in political life by both domestic and International / transnational groups and individuals.
6. Empowering technologies – the rise and spread of technologies of transportation, communication, complex organization, biological engineering, information processing, weapons of both precision and mass destruction
7. Political mobilization of religion and identity. (Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan)
8. Widespread economic growth with increasing distance between rich and poor.
9. Shift toward “post – materialist” values among middle classes everywhere – especially in the most economically developed societies.
10. Increase in the scale of “private” international relations: Multinational corporations, interest groups, professional associations, international and nongovernmental organizations, personal contacts.
(11). Changing concepts of sovereignty – trade interdependence arising from increasing globalization
(12). End of World War II
These ten changes are experienced in different ways and to different degrees everywhere in the contemporary world, and it that sense, the list of changes is an initial set of ways by which we can compare states as economy policy actors